
The Roman Catholic Church for centuries taught that those who die by suicide are eternally damned.  And they would not allow a Roman Catholic, who had taken her or his life, to be buried in consecrated soil in a Catholic cemetery.  But things have drastically changed; Catholics can now be buried in consecrated soil.  The new Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “We should not despair of the eternal salvation of persons who have taken their own lives.  By ways known to him alone, God can provide the opportunity for salutary repentance.” “Salutary” repentance means even after death…. Protestant Churches have also taught, and many still do, that everyone who take one’s own life goes straight to hell with no second chance.  These thoughtless, mindless, irrational teachings have caused unspeakable pain and suffering to the unfortunate families who have experienced the horrible ordeal of loved ones who have left this world by suicide. 

Since God can and will grant salutary repentance to people who have been so distraught to have seen suicide as a viable option, He certainly can and will grant salutary repentance to everyone in hell who stops sinning, humbly bows one’s knees and sincerely confesses Jesus Christ as Lord to the glory of God (Phil. 2:9-11)!  This makes possible the fulfillment of the glorious picture of every created being in the whole universe worshiping God and the Lamb [the Lord Jesus Christ] eternally (Rev. 5:13)!  To God be the glory in the church and to all generations forever and ever!  Amen. 

Chapter 7, “Better Than God? in Spiritual Terrorism,  is about suicide.

Chapter 7, “Inspiration to be Like God,” in Christianity Without Insanity, contains much comforting information on suicide.