Christian Evangelism

After making “The Great Sacrifice” of his life for the sin of the world (John 1:29) and rising from the dead, Jesus issued “The Great Commission” to his followers to go into all the world to preach the Gospel—Good News (Mt. 28:18-20)! Karl Barth, the great German theologian, correctly grasped the meaning of Christian evangelism in his commentary on Romans—informing all people that the spiritual war has been won so that they can accept the gift of eternal life and prisoners of war can come home! Evangelism is not a matter of getting people saved but informing people that they have been saved. All people, even in the most remote areas of the world, will eventually hear of the Good News of their salvation and accept the gift of eternal life. God’s gracious offer of eternal life comes with no expiration date, no even death!

Although he probably did not intend it as an expression of universal salvation, Bill Gaither’s great song, “It Is Finished,” (words on the internet) could well be the theme song for Christian Universalism. It speaks of prisoners of war, upon hearing the good news that the war had been won, coming home. All will then live freely in submission to the Divine Will which will ensure living in perfect peace with God and all our fellow created beings in the whole universe. God gives new birth and a new life to all, and all will worship God in spirit and truth eternally (John 4:23, 24, 42; Rev. 5:13)!

In the light of much negative witnessing for Christ (e.g., door-to-door evangelism, bumper stickers, and high-pressure tactics with the urgent message: “Get saved now before it is eternally too late when God will condemn you to literal hell fire forever!”), many Christians would like to witness for Christ, but they do not know how to do so without offending people. They fear turning off the very people they very much want to be saved. I have developed a concise plan of Christian witnessing in the same type of format as Dr. Billy Graham’s, “Steps to Peace with God,” the late Dr. Bill Bright’s “The Four Spiritual Laws,” used by Campus Crusade for Christ, and other evangelism booklets of this variety. The big difference is that my method of witnessing for Christ is not about saving people from eternal damnation but informing them that they have been saved so that they can freely accept their gift of eternal life and joyfully worship and serve God motivated by love, not fear.

My totally positive style of Christian witnessing is titled, “SALTED WITH FIRE: Five-Liberating Truths–Religions in a Nutshell. This is the Good News of God’s Eternal Love/Amazing Grace/Infinite Mercy/Perfect Justice.” I have further super-condensed these basic truths to, “The Gospel in a Nutshell: Salvation of ALL Simple as ABCs,” which fit on a 3×5 inch card. If you would like to have a copy of either or both, email me at asking for the title, and I will be glad to email one or both to you free of charge. Both are now in printed form and are available upon request. I will be also be glad to answer any questions and respond to any feedback you may have.