God’s Sovereignty/HUMAN Free Will Harmonized



Calvinism [Focus: Sovereignty] Arminianism [Focus: Free Will]     

T-total Depravity [no one capable of believing]; Partial Depravity [all capable of believing]

U-nconditional Election [of the elect]; Conditional Election [elected by believing]

L-imited Atonement [only for the elect few]; Unlimited Atonement [for all but few saved]

I-rresistible Grace [for all the elect]; Resistible Grace [almost all resist forever]

P-erseverance of the Saints [the elect can’t lose salvation]; Can Lose salvation [no assurance—very iffy]

Crux of Calvinism: God able but unwilling to save all; Crux of Arminianism: God willing but unable to save all



T-otal Love [of God—all-inclusive/unconditional/everlasting—saves ALL]

U-nconditional Election [of ALL or helpers to save ALL proves God is impartial]

L-amb of God [takes away ALL sin (collective singular) and sins of whole world]

I-nfinite Grace/Mercy/Patience [of God: why God will not/can not ever Fail]

P-apa God [our loving heavenly Father,  will SURELY become ALL in ALL]

S-ymbolic Salt/Fire/Sulfur [mixed metaphors: disinfect/heal/purify from sin]

Crux of Christian Universalism: God able and willing—ultimately saves ALL

The total love of God will be 100% effective in correcting human depravity, whether total or partial. Please notice the slashes between: “All-Inclusive/Unconditional/Everlasting” (John 3:16; I Cor. 13:4-8; Jer. 31:3), because these characteristics of God’s total love are inseparable. Thus, all created beings will be saved and freely worship God forever (Rev. 5:13)! 

If God should have chosen to save only an “elect few,” and, de facto, damn almost all to be tortured forever in the literal fire of hell, God’s love would be conditional, to the nth degree! The Holy Bible clearly states God is impartial, showing no favoritism to anyone, due to being no respecter of persons (Rom. 2:11; James 2:1-9). Likewise, if the atonement of Christ should be limited to relatively few “elect,” that would mean God is partial to the nth degree! God being impartial PROVES Christ’s atonement is unlimited! Praise the Lamb of God who takes away ALL the SIN(S) of the WHOLE WORLD (John 1:29; 4:42; I John 2:2)! 

Calvinists use the term “irresistible grace” as to how all “the elect” will be drawn to God by the Holy Spirit. Arminians contend God’s grace will be resisted forever. The truth is that God’s saving grace can be resisted indefinitely, but it will not be resisted forever, as evidenced by Jesus drawing all to himself, all living in Christ, and all freely submitting to and sincerely confessing faith in Christ to the glory of God (John 12:32; Rom. 5:18; 14:9-11; I Cor. 15:22; Phil. 2:9-11)! The confusion over the resistibility of saving grace can easily be ascertained by understanding God’s grace/mercy/patience are infinite! Jesus, who spoke Aramaic, called God “Abba,” meaning “Papa” (Mk.14:36). Papa God’s mercy endures forever (per all 26 verses of Ps. 136 KJV ) [“steadfast love” N/RSV]! This is why God shall, as surely as the sky is blue and grass is green, become all in all [KJV]—everything to every one [RSV] (I Cor. 15:28). 

The Calvinistic and Arminian formulations of the relationship between God’s sovereignty vs. human free will are good examples of spiritual insanity due to ECT. Sanity is that biblical use of salt/fire/sulfur symbolizes purification/disinfection/healing from sin. Jesus definitively stated the purpose of hell: “For every one shall be salted with fire” (Mark 9:49). This is a mixed metaphor for purificationalso true for the lake of fire and brimstone/burning sulfur [NIV] (Rev. 20:10).

*Eternal Conscious Torment in hell: SINCE FALSE, this means Spiritual Independence Day for all from spiritual abuse/insanity! Both Calvinists and Arminians make the mistake of believing ECT is true, thus, making reconciliation between God’s sovereignty and human free will IMPOSSIBLE!  ECT Christianity is the ultimate example of spiritual insanity, due to the fact that God’s INFINITE MERCY and ETERNAL TORTURE in hell is oxymoronic and characterizes God, our loving heavenly Father, as The Supreme Sadistic Moral Monster in the whole universe!   July 4, 2020